Work and Life

I'm bored.. and there's nothing to do here, so I think I'll write a blog entry.

Only.. there's nothing really I can think of to write about. And Saul and Jack (not their real names) are behind me arguing about the classification and content of certain layout drawings. Saul, the boss, he wants to organize all of our drawings in a way that would enable us to find any drawing with content specific to the search we are trying to perform. For instance, If I want to look at Cake Philly, I don't want to see just the last job, I want to see EVERY job. Why I would want to see that, I have no idea, but Saul does. It's actually not that bad an idea, if you don't count the fact that it will probably cost the company tens of thousands of dollars to do. But, you see, what will happen is this: He'll ask Jack to do it, and Jack will agree. But then 2 weeks down the line Saul will forget about it, and so will Jack. And 3 months from now someone won't be able to find a drawing and Saul will yell at Jack for not having some sort of system in place and Jack will convince Saul that he had decided that it wasn't worth it, afterall, and the whole thing will start all over again. So it goes. All this has happened before, and all this will happen again. Da dum da dum da dum.

This chick I'm friends with, We'll call her Kirsten. A while back she posted a couple of her modeling shots on FB. (She has since taken them down) They were a bit racy, so of course I had to investigate further. Nothing outright pornographic or anything.. tasteful pin up shots, you know? No nudity. So I found her, and them, on Model And after looking around on the site for a while, I saw that you could sign up as a Photoshop person. And I thought, I'm good at Photoshop, I'll try it out. What the hell, right? I've only ever photoshopped self portraits, and you have to submit your work in order for your profile to be approved. Well I submitted a few of my really good ones, and got denied. I won't say it was a huge hit to my confidence, because the stuff I submitted was nowhere near the normal stuff you find on that site, but it was a bit bruised. I mean.. I thought my stuff was pretty good, you know? If I can turn myself into a lizard monster or insert myself into a scene from Battlestar Galactica, I'm pretty sure I can clone stamp out zits on a model's face and soften the edges of her knobbly knees, you know? It bothers me. And I'm tempted to take some pictures of a subject other than myself and photoshop the hell out of it just to show goddamned Model that I can do it and then just delete my profile right after I make it. But I probably won't. It's not that I'm scared.. I'm just lazy. That's how I roll.