Prequel to the Sequel

I was thinking today about blogs. (I admit it was because I was reading the only blog I still read.. you know who you are.) And how I used to have them and how I loved to just write and write and write. And I don't do that anymore. Maybe it's because nobody ever read it. Or maybe it's because of innappropriate comments when people did read it that didn't go over well with the missus. Or maybe it's just because I'm a lazy fuck. But whatever the reason, I miss having an outlet. Somewhere to type when I get pissed, or moody, or bored, or happy, even. And I miss that. A lot. Almost nobody read it, it's true, but that's ok, because the Internet could read it if it wanted to.. and I guess, somehow, that's the point. My wife asked me one time why I just don't keep a written journal or whatever. And I tried it, I did, and I hated it. And then I thought, well maybe it's because I like typing better than writing, so I tried that too.. but somehow, knowing I wasn't going to post it anywhere made it seem.. Pointless somehow. Not that this isn't pointless. It probably is. There's probably only one person who'll read this, and I doubt she'll do it for very long once she reads this. Ha ha.

Anyway. This is the start of a new blog.. if you don't count the post from a year ago that I can't bring myself to delete.

I walked outside this morning and it was so cold my fucking nose hairs froze. That's cold. Check it out:

Holy Shit it's COLD!

And for about a month I've been reading Nero Wolfe novels at work because it's so dead. I've read 12. In a month. Holy shit.. I just realized how pathetic that is.

And now I've gotten to the point in the post where I realize that I've run out of things to say.. but I try to keep it going, to keep writing, because sometimes I remember things that way, and some of my best stuff comes out of when I just start writing the first thing that pops into my mind, like that infamous Wal*Mart story from my old blog that I still go back and read sometimes when I need a good chuckle. But sometimes just typing randomly leads to nothing except more inane randomness..

like now..

so I'll stop.